Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Department or School/College

School of Education

Committee Chair

William McCaw

Commitee Members

John Matt, Frances L. O'Reilly, Beverly Chin, Janet Thomson


This non-experimental dominant-less dominant mixed-methods study examined data specific to principal and teacher perceptions of the leadership support for Indian Education for All (IEFA) professional development in their school. The data from each instrument were compared to (a) the administrators’ and teachers’ Peak Stage of Concern of the Indian Education for All innovation, (b) the highest IEFA training level attained, and (c) the amount of time that administrators and teachers report spending on supporting and implementing IEFA in their school and classroom. Spearman’s rho correlations were utilized to examine these relationships.

This study examined if the level of leadership support, or the level of training received by teachers, had the stronger relationship to the teacher’s highest stage of concern. Additionally, this study examined which factor - the level of leadership support, or the level of training received by teachers - had a stronger relationship on the amount of time spent on implementing the Indian Education for All innovation in the classroom.

Leadership support was defined by the Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011), and measured by the Self-Assessment Inventory 2 (SAI2). The Peak Stage of Concern is identified by scores on the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) and is useful in determining a teacher’s “readiness” for implementation of a new program in their classroom (George, et al., 2008). The levels of IEFA training were defined by the Montana Office of Public Instruction’s three-tiered training model.

Statistically significant relationships were found between the Highest Level of IEFA Training completed by the teacher to that of two other variables (a) the teacher’s Peak Stage of Concern, and (b) the actual amount of time the teacher implements IEFA in the classroom. The data from this study revealed a clear indication that the highest level of IEFA training the principal participated in had a positive and statistically significant relationship to the teacher’s highest level of IEFA training. This study found that it is the level of IEFA training completed by the teacher that has the stronger relationship to both the teacher’s stages of concern and their classroom implementation of the mandated initiative.



© Copyright 2014 Chris Michael Olszewski