Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Randy Bolton

Commitee Members

Ann Wright, Karen Kaufmann


This is a collection of documentations, personal explorations and results derived from two sets of workshops developed to facilitate understanding in individual creativity; unique cognitive and biological design of Multiple Intelligences and functionality, creativity hindrances, and ways to heal and enhance creative potential.

One workshop series was designed specifically for a Christian audience to provide awareness of personal creativity through PowerPoint presentations of research data and interactive activities that encourage freedom in unique expression. Experiential components employed personal and group interactions with data covered and creative identity investigation. A written questionnaire and personal dialogue assessed workshop's effectiveness and expediency. Valuable feedback suggested lengthening workshop and increasing time for activities and small group interaction. The second workshop, designed for cancer survivors and family members, intentionally provided experiential discovery through expressive watercolor techniques. Research data was not formally presented in this workshop; however exploration of media, color and personal reflection was the primary focus - experiential application of the research.

These workshops were developed to open or reunite individuals into greater creative potential, serving as a spark that would be fed into a flame. The continuation of creative pursuit remains the responsibility of the individuals attending the workshops. The sessions did serve as an entry point, inviting participants into creative unearthing, a corridor into creativity many had never felt worthy to enter before. For some it was a tipping point, igniting fresh energy and incentive to explore creative domains further. For others it provided deeper investigation into personal creative DNA and hindrances with a clear objective to find freedom and healing to create again. Both as artist and educator, I have gained a greater consciousness toward and compassion for those who are dormant or wounded creators and desire to provide creative growth opportunities, instilling the goal for future workshops. I remain continually challenged to better implement creative freedom in the confines of public education. My intention is to begin this next term posing the research as questions to my high school students in correspondence with divergent thinking opportunities as prologues to art projects with journal and creative reflections.

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© Copyright 2009 Pamela J. Dolan