Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name

Systems Ecology

Department or School/College

College of Forestry and Conservation

Committee Chair

John S. Kimball

Committee Co-chair

Steve W. Running

Commitee Members

Cory C. Cleveland Anna Sala Ragan M. Callaway


Vegetation, Soil, Soil Moisture, Ecosystems, Biogeochemistry, Climate Change

Subject Categories

Biogeochemistry | Dynamic Systems | Hydrology | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | Other Forestry and Forest Sciences | Systems Biology | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology


This dissertation describes the estimation, error quantification, and incorporation of land surface information from microwave satellite remote sensing for modeling global ecosystem land-atmosphere net CO2 exchange. Retrieval algorithms were developed for estimating soil moisture, surface water, surface temperature, and vegetation phenology from microwave imagery timeseries. Soil moisture retrievals were merged with model-based soil moisture estimates and incorporated into a light-use efficiency model for vegetation productivity coupled to a soil decomposition model. Results, including state and uncertainty estimates, were evaluated with a global eddy covariance flux tower network and other independent global model- and remote-sensing based products.



© Copyright 2016 Lucas Alan Jones