Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Athletic Training (MAT)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Athletic Training Program Option)

Department or School/College

Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Valerie Moody

Committee Co-chair

Annie Sonday

Commitee Members

Laura Granlund

Subject Categories

Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition


Brown, Alysa, ATC, Spring 2017 Athletic Training

Nutritional Needs in Collegiate Female Soccer Athletes

Chairperson: Dr. Valerie Moody

Many times, athletes do not have enough time to meet their nutritional needs. They are busy going to school, attending meetings, lifting weights, receiving treatments and attending practices and may forget to eat or simply do not have enough time. Several studies suggest nutritional knowledge and habits directly impact how well an athlete will perform. Due to the rigorous training regimen of a collegiate athlete, they should be fueling their bodies throughout the day to maximize their performance. The Women’s soccer team at the University of Montana is no different than any other collegiate soccer team.

The purpose of this professional paper project was to review the literature about nutritional practices of collegiate athletes to better understand what is currently recommended. In the second half of this paper, nutritional recommendations for each phase of the training cycle are provided. There is also a resource guide for the competitive athlete that includes recommendations on where to obtain reliable nutritional information. The outcome of the project is to provide recommendations to optimize nutritional practices for collegiate soccer players here at the University of Montana.



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