Year of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Department or School/College

College of Education and Human Sciences

Committee Chair

Patty Kero

Commitee Members

John Matt, William McCaw, John Cech, Richard Cummins


Community College President, Competencies, Faculty, Leadership, Shared Governance, Trustees


The purpose of this quantitative non-experimental study is to determine the leadership competencies most desired by members of the community college board of trustees and faculty for a community college president. The study will examine the alignment of those competencies between the trustees and their faculty groups to determine if the two groups seek similar or dissimilar qualities in a president. This research is also designed to further existing research on insights that may be helpful to boards of trustees, faculty, presidential search committees, and other college stakeholders when conducting a presidential search.

Data for this survey was collected using a survey instrument designed from the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders framework, created in 2005. This framework provided 45 illustrations of competencies, representing six major competency areas, which the respondents ranked on a Likert scale. The survey was sent to 751 faculty and 25 trustees across six community colleges in eastern Washington.

Descriptive statistics were used to create a demographic profile of the respondents and inferential statistics were used to determine if statistically significant differences existed between the response of the faculty and trustees on each illustration. The Mann-Whitney U and Independent Samples Median test were used to determine if statistically significant differences did exist between the two respondent groups.

A statistically significant difference was found in the responses of the two groups on 6 of the 45 competency illustrations. The results of the study do provide implications for future practice that will benefit trustees, faculty, presidential search committees, sitting presidents and prospective presidents. Recommendations for research to further these findings include expansion to a more diverse group of stakeholders and the practical implications of using the AACC model to guide a presidential search.

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© Copyright 2017 Kevin C. Brockbank