Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Anthropology (Cultural Heritage Option)

Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Douglas MacDonald

Commitee Members

Kelly Dixon, David Beck


tribal consultation, Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipeline, LaDonna Allard


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Archaeological Anthropology | Environmental Policy | Social and Cultural Anthropology


By categorizing the National Historic Preservation Act and National Environmental Policy Act as red tape hindering infrastructure, the current Presidential administration is attempting to streamline processes to approve federal undertakings. In doing so, it threatens the government-to-government relationship between federal agencies and tribal governments. This relationship is a work-in-progress that needs to be nurtured rather than reverting to assertion of plenary powers over tribal affairs. The purpose of this research is to remind federal agencies that there are legal obligations to include tribal entities in the decision-making processes for federal undertakings. Furthermore, this research can serve as a reference for tribal entities and citizens to help reinforce their right to be included on these types of projects.



© Copyright 2018 Natasha F. LaRose