Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College

Fine Arts

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Dove

Commitee Members

Elizabeth Dove, Valerie Hedquist, Matthew Hamon, Keith Graham


Social Media, Public Land, Commercial Photography, Photography, Public Land Users, Hashtags

Subject Categories

Art and Design


Throughout the United States and particularly the West, public lands make up a large portion of land areaand are a vital, reusable, renewable resource that anyone can use. This body of work provides a visual representation of public land users. I’m looking at different user groups representing different activities, ages, genders, and geographic locations. My goal for this work is to make a visual impact on the public’s perspective of how these lands are use, and the people who use them.

All of these public land users have one thing in common: a sense of responsibility for the land, for the benefit of current andfuture generations. This sense of responsibility creates a broad community I’m tapping into with this project. Including the hashtag "I own it" in this photo campaign indicates that the person using this hashtag on social media fully recognizes and embraces the responsibilities that come with these lands.Additionally, instead of strictly using more traditional ways to publicize my work, I am using Instagram to broadcast this project out to a much larger audience than traditional distribution permits.



© Copyright 2018 Margaret M. Hamilton