Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution

Department or School/College

Division of Biological Sciences

Committee Chair

Doug J. Emlen

Commitee Members

Dr. Erick Greene Dr. W. Anthony Frankino


Insect, evolution, morphology, sexual selection, behavior, weapons


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Behavior and Ethology | Entomology | Evolution | Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Exaggerated weapons of sexual selection often diverge more rapidly and dramatically than other body parts, suggesting that relevant agents of selection may be discernible in contemporary populations. I examined the ecology, reproductive behavior, and strength of sexual selection on horn length in five recently diverged beetle populations that differ in relative horn size. I show that mating system ecology differs between these locations and corresponds with the local strength of contemporary selection on horn length. Comparisons of ecological conditions and selection strength across populations offer a critical first step towards meaningfully linking mating system dynamics, selection patterns, and diversity in sexually selected traits.



© Copyright 2019 Jillian F. del Sol