Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Anthropology

Committee Chair

Kelly J. Dixon

Commitee Members

Gilbert Quintero, Douglas MacDonald, Gregory Campbell, Monte Mills


American West, Built Environment, Built Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Netherlands


This Ph.D. dissertation presents sets of interrelated research problems, and challenges to sustaining the built heritage of Montana, in the context of the changing modern landscapes in the western United States. The research connects issues of heritage policy, education, and stewardship as common, and connected themes in historic preservation, historical archaeology, anthropology, and cultural landscape practices. The dissertation is comprised of three articles that are under review for publication, presenting perspectives and data assembled via empirical, and place-based field research, interviews, and interaction with heritage professionals, and site investigation conducted throughout the Netherlands between August 2013 and February 2017. These articles each focus on three central themes of heritage policy and law, heritage education emphasizing place-based models, and applied methods of heritage stewardship. The assembled data is then further presented for its combined potential to create a model system of cultural heritage leadership, emphasizing sustainable approaches to built heritage and landscape best practices.



© Copyright 2019 Jeffrey MacDonald