Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Department or School/College

College of Education and Human Sciences

Committee Chair

Frances L. O’Reilly

Commitee Members

John Matt, Roberta Evans, Grace Gardner, Bruce Whitehead


Female Administrators, Female Followers, Longevity, Queen Bee, Relationship, Treatment


The barriers and support between female subordinates and female administrators are crucial elements in a successful administrative career. While much research has been conducted on men versus women in leadership positions as well as the treatment subordinates receive from their supervisors, there is little research on the subordinate’s treatment of the leader and how it affects their position.

The purpose of this non-experimental mixed methods study was to ascertain the relationship among female administrators and the support and barriers they experience from female subordinates, as well as how it affects their experience and longevity in their leadership positions. Participants included 78 female administrators from the population of 213 female administrators in the state of Montana.

A 21 question, 7-point Likert scaled questionnaire was administered through the University of Montana’s Qualtrics survey management system; followed by 6 different phone interviews being conducted with the 3 highest and the 3 lowest quantitative scores. While ratings and responses showed the differences between support and barriers and the ranking of the affects the qualitative portion helped to give reasoning and understanding to the quantitative responses and gives a broader perspective to the effects of support and barriers from female subordinates on female administrators.

Future studies should include a random sample that contains a more diverse representation of female administrators from around the country. Future studies should also look at decreasing the number of demographic questions.



© Copyright 2020 Jennifer Rae Burnett