Year of Award
Document Type
Degree Type
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Name
Environmental Studies
Other Degree Name/Area of Focus
Environmental Writing
Department or School/College
Environmental Studies
Committee Chair
Phil Condon
Commitee Members
Nadia White, Ethan Smith
hunting, R3, gender, public lands, sustainability, education
Subject Categories
Environmental Studies
This collection of chapters delves into the dramatically shifting landscape of hunting sports from a personal perspective of a young hunter. As older hunters age out of the sport, hunter-funded conservation initiatives are in danger of losing support. This work examines the nature of relationships between hunters, their prey, and their worldview, as well as the elements of hunting that appeal to new hunters, and the challenges they may face as they become the hunters of the future.
Recommended Citation
Bussjaeger, Jackie A., "Down the Deer Path: Reflections on the Future of Hunting in America" (2020). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 11578.
© Copyright 2020 Jackie A. Bussjaeger