Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Education (MEd)

Degree Name

Curriculum and Instruction

Department or School/College

Phyllis J. Washington College of Education

Committee Chair

Fletcher Brown

Commitee Members

Joshua Millspaugh, Lisa Flowers


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction


Place-based conservation education programs are continuously adapting to ever evolving technological advancements to remain effective and connected to K-12 schools and students. One response to this challenge was an inquiry based, learner centered pedagogy which teaches science-based concepts via real life images captured on trail cameras.

This paper will describe the benefits of a distance learning program which teaches students about wildlife science using trail camera photos and associated lessons. In a time when students are more disconnected from the outdoors than ever. The use of trail cameras, based on these experiences, has the potential to reconnect students to the great outdoors. Now is the time to get kids into the outdoors using technology.



© Copyright 2020 Lucas Martin Coccoli