Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name


Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Dr. Kelly Dixon

Commitee Members

Dr. Anna Prentiss, Dr. Hipólito Rafael Chacón


Osiris Shaft, Shetayet of Sokar, Egypt, Rosetau, Giza

Subject Categories

Archaeological Anthropology | Folklore | Social and Cultural Anthropology


The Osiris Shaft is one of many archaeological signatures associated with Egypt’s Giza Plateau, the most well-known of which are the Great Pyramids. However, the role(s) the Osiris Shaft feature played in the religious and daily practices of ancient Egyptians remain(s) unknown. This research seeks to contextualize the Osiris Shaft in Egyptian history to learn more about this feature’s story. In order to achieve this goal, this thesis examines funerary deities associated with Memphis theology and explores archaeological investigations related to the Osiris Shaft, including the work of Dr. Zahi Hawass and investigations by the Giza Mapping Project. Thanks to modern technology, archaeological discoveries in Egypt are advancing at an exponential rate, and opportunities to solve some of the mysteries associated with the Osiris Shaft (e.g., its original date of construction) are now emerging. After analyzing existing archaeological evidence in tandem with the evolution and transformation of funerary deities leading up to/synonymous with Osiris, the Osiris Shaft may represent the successor of the Shetayet of Sokar.



© Copyright 2021 Nicholas Edward Whiting