Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

School of Visual and Media Arts

Committee Chair

Trey Hill

Commitee Members

Riley Augé, Matthew Hamon, Cathryn Mallory


Abstract Art, Ceramic Sculpture, Ceramic Art History, Beauty, Sublime, subject object

Subject Categories

Aesthetics | Art and Materials Conservation | Art Practice | Ceramic Arts | Fine Arts | Metal and Jewelry Arts | Philosophy of Mind | Sculpture


Beauty and the grotesque both induce physical sensations in the body. Pleasure and displeasure are two points on the same line. They are not mutually exclusive. Like the body and the vessel, like the self and the other all things exist in reciprocity. The capability of holding brings agency, breaking down perceptions of of subject-object relationships. The works presented in this paper represent a merging and a transformation of perceived separate entities. Craft history and processes inform the work present in the thesis exhibition, Beside| |Between.



© Copyright 2021 Brooke J. Armstrong