Year of Award
Document Type
Degree Type
Master of Arts (MA)
Degree Name
Anthropology (Cultural Heritage Option)
Department or School/College
Committee Chair
Dr. Anna Prentiss
Commitee Members
Dr. Cheyenne Laue, Dr. Dave Beck
fur trade, indigenous, fire-cracked rock, British Columbia, archaeology
Subject Categories
Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology
Much research has been done on the Fur Trade period occupation of Housepit 54 at the Bridge River site. This thesis investigates the cause of resource intensification seen in the increase in projectile points, faunal remains, hide scrapers, and fire-cracked rock (FCR). In order to determine the impetus of this change, I compare the fracture patterns of FCR, the size of FCR, the densities of FCR, deer NISP, and slate scrapers, and the population estimate from the fur trade floor and roof to the last floor and roof of the previous occupation. This will determine whether the resource intensification was due to the occupants producing hides for trade or because they had to feed and clothe an extra-dense population. Through this study, we can observe how a hunter-gatherer-fisher household exercised their agency during the Fur Trade either through acting as procurement specialists or by choosing to focus singularly on internal needs.
Recommended Citation
Engelland, Rebekah Jean, "Exploring Indigenous Involvement in the Fur Trade at the Bridge River Pithouse Village, British Columbia" (2021). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 11757.
© Copyright 2021 Rebekah Jean Engelland