Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name


Other Degree Name/Area of Focus

Data Science

Department or School/College

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair

Brian Steele

Commitee Members

Brian Steele, Jon Graham, Javier Perez Alvaro


Data Analysis, Prediction, Time Series, Machine Learning, Tensorflow

Subject Categories

Data Science


A study in stock market analysis using machine learning algorithms to generate a stock price prediction five minutes into the future. Artificial intelligence algorithms were developed to adaptively choose how to invest money using the generated pre- dictions. The system was applied to over 1200 days of stock price data for over 25 different companies. The results demonstrate the plausibility of using the system to produce excellent returns on investment. For an initial investment of $10,000 dollars the system resulted in a one year profit of $340,000 dollars.

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