Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism

Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Jule Banville

Committee Co-chair

Joe Eaton

Commitee Members

Curtis Noonan, Corin Cates-Carney


Journalism, Lead Exposure, Montana, Health, Environmental Health

Subject Categories

Environmental Health


Lead is a cumulative toxin that can affect multiple systems in the human body. Exposure occurs through various sources, such as outdated and deteriorating infrastructure, paint, soil and drinking water. This project, a three-part audio series on lead exposure in Montana highlights various paths of exposure and how young children under age six years of age are particularly vulnerable. Part one is a story about a new state requirement to test all k-12 schools for lead in water fixtures. Part two: A house remodel exposes a family’s children to lead. Getting a diagnosis wasn’t easy. Part three: A look at how Montanans have experienced decades of exposure to toxic lead and what the state and one local health department is doing about it.



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