Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism

Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Joseph Eaton

Committee Co-chair

Denise Dowling

Commitee Members

Joseph Eaton, Denise Dowling, Erim Gomez


shellfish, North Carolina, lake trout

Subject Categories

Agriculture | Food Science | Nutrition


How do we manage fish species, and how do fish, in turn, impact us? This portfolio of three stories will explore some of the ways in which humans interact with aquatic landscapes. First, we’ll go to Flathead Lake in Montana, where invasive lake trout have all but decimated native trout species, and learn what the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes are doing to address the issue. Then, we’ll examine stories of a legendary Big Fish in Alaska’s Lake Iliamna, and think about what it means to scientifically prove something as real. The last story looks at the aquaculture industry in coastal North Carolina – it's economic and cultural significance, as well as its future under the pressures of climate change.



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