Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Sociology (Rural and Environmental Change Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Sociology

Committee Chair

Teresa Sobieszczyk

Commitee Members

Daisy Rooks, Laurie Yung


University of Montana


Rural areas in Montana are increasing in population as more and more people move to or buy second homes in these areas in search of scenic amenities and a better quality of life. Academics, policy makers, and the general public are concerned that such development pressure may have negative consequences for important habitat, ecosystems, rural communities, people’s livelihoods, and social networks. Rock Creek, Montana is a small, rural area that has seen a large increase in population in the last twenty years. Population increase and development pressure in the area has led to many debates about proper land use on both private and public land. This research offers a qualitative case study of Rock Creek that explores the relationships between class, livelihood, differing senses of place, and land use discourses.



© Copyright 2010 Carly Christine Phillips