Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Sociology

Committee Chair

Roy Anderson


University of Montana


The process of researching, constructing, administering, compiling and reporting the results of a 41 item questionnaire assessing the social, medical and economic characteristics of the program's current participants is examined. Organizational, political and methodological issues of program definition, client identification, questionnaire cooptation and results presentation are specifically addressed.

The client profile and needs assessment was funded by the District XI Human Resource Council was to assess the social, medical and economic status of the current Missoula Senior Nutrition Program participants. Individuals who were recorded as clients of either the congregate mealsite or home delivered meals program during the period of June 10 through June 24, 1985 became the potential pool of interviewees for this survey. Of the 129 clients identified during this timeframe, 100 (77.550 participated in the study. Congregate mealsite participants completed self administered questionnaires. For those clients who were physically unable to complete the survey questionnaire, the questions and responses were read to them and their answers were recorded by the mealsite coordinator or the author. Home delivered meal clients were interviewed by telephone by the nutrition program coordinator.

Profile results indicated two distinct groups of seniors having differences in three areas: personal and social mobility patterns; chronic or serious health issues; and age. The results support the continuation of two service delivery programs addressing the differing needs of user groups. The second issue, the ability of the clients to assist in the financial support of the Missoula Senior Nutrition Program through financial contributions, was explored. Seniors in both programs indicated that a donation should be made for the meal, but it should be based oh an individual's ability to pay. Fifty eight percent of the mealsite participants and 52X of the home delivered meal participants indicated an annual income which placed them below the State poverty level guidelines (income of less than $5250).

The challenges of doing research in the applied setting are considered.



© Copyright 1989 Anita L. Wilson