"Edge Habits: Confessions of a Naturalist" by Zoey Talon Greenberg

Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus

Environmental Writing

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies

Committee Chair

Mark Sundeen

Commitee Members

Mark Sundeen, Chris Dombrowski, Dan Spencer, Phil Condon


invasive species, migration, belonging, rhetoric, environmental ethic

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Creative Writing | Nonfiction | Poetry


Greenberg, Zoe, M.S., Fall 2022 Environmental Studies


Chairperson: Mark Sundeen

Zoey Greenberg’s new collection of short form essays melds memoir with a call for reimagined relationship with invasive species. As a non-Hawaiian with family ties to the Hawaiian archipelago, a place considered ravaged by “nonnatives,” questions of belonging haunted her crawl through the thickets of conservation ideology. This work is born from that crawl. Edge Habits presents the possibility of reshaping our view of the cockroaches we drown in our sinks, the starlings we condemn, and the botanical interlopers we rip from the ground. While imploring us to reevaluate mainstream discourse about changes in species composition, Greenberg illuminates moments of migratory restlessness and deep drift within her personal life. This collection is written in the traditions of Lydia Davis, Maggie Nelson, and Cormac McCarthy.

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© Copyright 2022 Zoey Talon Greenberg