Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus

Traditional Ecological Knowledge & Environmental Sustainability

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies

Committee Chair

Mark Sundeen

Commitee Members

Rosalyn LaPier, Salena Beaumont Hill


Paradigms, Colonialism, Environment, Decolonization, Anthropology, History


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Comparative Literature | Environmental Studies | History | Latin American Languages and Societies | Nonfiction | Philosophy | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social and Cultural Anthropology


Traumatic life experiences altered the way I perceive the world. As a result, I embark on a journey to reshape my relationship to self, the built and natural world; to environment. In this thesis I ask: How do I want to relate to the environment? Considering I am a doubly colonized agent, I also aim to decolonize my relationship to environment along the process. Therefore, this work aims to formulate a new, personal, relationship to environment through academic literature, history, psychology, Indigenous knowledge and science, and literary studies, among other fields of knowledge. This work is interdisciplinary in nature; life is interconnected and so is this work. I look to theoretical concepts like the prose of countersovereignty, colonial discourse, violence, and the ethics of care to aid in the reshaping of relationship. Through this work, a healthier mode of relationship has been possible for myself. The work is not over as I aim to implement this in everyday life, as is the case with intentional communities and intentional living—practices I was a part of whilst at The University of Montana. Continuing along the lines of decolonization, the thesis closes with a chapter looking into decolonizing canon and Academia, as well as community based participatory research as a way to further aid in decolonizing canon and Academia.



© Copyright 2022 Martin Ceja Mejia