Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name


Other Degree Name/Area of Focus

Data Science

Department or School/College

Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair

Javier Perez-Alvaro

Committee Co-chair

Emily Stone


Deep learning, Trading, Forex


University of Montana

Subject Categories

Data Science


Buying and selling Stocks, Foreign Currencies (FOREX), Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies have been a source of wealth generation, and more often, wealth loss for many brave enough to enter the financial markets. In this paper, the author builds on the work of Williams, J. 2022 and develops an agent-based method to solve this wealth generation problem with the use of neural networks. The author points out some assumptions made by Williams, J. 2022 that were sound in theory, but made the implementation of the algorithm presented in their paper diverge from the theory. The author proposes a fundamentally different algorithmic method, called Double Deep Q learning, to trade in financial markets. This method, in the category of reinforcement learning, was popularized when teaching computers how to play video games such as Atari Space Invaders and Pong. The author creates an environment wherein the markets are treated like a video game and an agent learns to find the optimal path through the market to maximize its rewards. The author presents a final algorithm using two (2) interlinked LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks to form a Double Deep Recurrent Q network (DDRQN) algorithm and uses that algorithm to make profitable decisions and secure overall profits in foreign currency exchange markets.

Included in

Data Science Commons



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