Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name

Anthropology (Cultural Heritage Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Anthropology

Committee Chair

Anna M. Prentiss

Commitee Members

Randall Skelton, H. Rafael Chacon, Matthew J. Walsh, Meradeth Snow


Archaeology, Computer vision, Effigy artifacts


Effigy artifacts are found throughout the Pre-Hispanic American Southwest and Northern Mexico (PHASNM), as well as in other cultures around the world, with many sharing the same forms and design features. The earliest figurines within the PHASNM were partial anthropomorphic figurines made from fired clay, dating to between A.D. 287 and A.D. 312 (Morss 1954:27). They were found in a pit house village of Bluff Ruin in the Forestdale Valley of eastern Arizona, and they appeared to be associated with the Mogollon culture. The temporal range of the samples examined in this study is from approximately 200 A.D. to 1650 A.D., and the geographical range includes the Southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, and Utah) and the northcentral section of Mexico (Casas Grandes and the surrounding area).

This research looks at the similarities among the markings of ceramic effigy artifacts from the PHASNM, using computer image pattern recognition, design analysis, and phylogenetics, to determine whether their ceramic traditions share a common theme and whether the specific method of social learning responsible for the transmission of information relating to ceramic effigy decoration can be identified. Transmission is possible in one of three ways: vertical transmission, where parents/teachers distribute information by encouraging imitation and sharing learned traditions with children/students (Richerson and Boyd 2005; Shennan 2002); horizontal transmission, where information is transmitted among peers, either from within the individual’s group or from interaction with peers from neighboring populations (Borgerhoff Mulder et al. 2006), and where the individual comes into contact with a wide range of attributes related to the item of interest and then adopts those that allow for the fastest, most economical methods of production and distribution (Eerkens et al 2006; Rogers 1983); and oblique transmission, where information is transmitted by adults, masters, or institutions of elite or higher social status, either internally or externally to the adopting cultural Type (Jensen 2016; Jordan 2014), and where particular traits are adopted or left out in disproportionate ways, creating patterns in localized traditions that can be empirically identified. Horizontal transmission can be broken into two types: unlimited, where contact is not confined to a particular group; and limited, where contact is restricted to a particular set of contacts.

Using criteria for each of the categories as set forth by the New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies Pottery Typology Project, the samples were classified in terms of cultural area (culture), branch, tradition, ware, and type. The research v group consisted of 360 photographic samples represented by 868 images that were resized to a 640x640 pixel format. The images were then examined through computer image pattern recognition (using YOLOv5) and through manual observation. This study resulted in a database representing 230 traits. These traits were assembled into groups by cultural area, branch, tradition, ware, and type, and phylogenetic analysis was applied to show how the different entities transfer information among each other.



© Copyright 2023 Lee Roger Tallier Jr.