"Making Mochi!" by Shannon 'owo' Crystal Webb

Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

School of Visual and Media Arts

Committee Chair

Julia Galloway

Commitee Members

Matt Hamon, Rafael Chacón, Brian Gregoire


Spirituality, Korean culture, Asian culture, Hawaiian culture, pop culture, hapa, mythology, folktales, customs, symbolism, metaphor, ceramic, sculpture

Subject Categories

Fine Arts


Making mochi (rice cakes) is a metaphor for making a way of life for myself through spiritual and cultural practice. I navigate the complexities of cultural mixing and identity as someone who is half Korean and half white. Rather than one or the other, I have always felt mixed, so my path to understanding my place in the world is also mixed. On one level, I am honoring my heritage by referencing Korean customs, folktales, and mythology. On another, I address how my needs are based on my current state, which includes my location, pop culture, and society at large. Much of this search is an endeavor in reconciliation–for the spiritually unknown and the way everything lives and dies. I recognize that I have a role in cultural evolution, so I choose to take on the responsibility as an active being in the world. The exhibit Making Mochi! visualizes spiritual contemplation and cultural practice in the form of ceramic and mixed media sculptures. It is a celebration for what once was and the journey that leads to growth and ultimately transformation.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



© Copyright 2023 Shannon 'owo' Crystal Webb