Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Anthropology (Cultural Heritage and Applied Anthropology Option)

Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Gregory Campbell

Commitee Members

Kelly Dixion Eric Zimmer


Archaeology, Curation, Historical Archaeology, Curation Crisis


University of Montana

Subject Categories

American Material Culture | Cultural History | History of Gender | Labor History | Museum Studies | Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Public History | United States History


As universities, federal curation facilities, public museums, and private collections struggle to create space on their shelves curators and archaeologists continuously evaluate what must continue to be stored and what needs to be deaccessioned. Utilizing a collection housed at the University of Montana I explore strategies for combating this issue. The collection originates from the Garnet Ghost Town and has been in the university’s care since its excavation. The objectives of this project are to obtain new information and incorporate innovative techniques to learn more about the collection itself and provide an updated analysis to one of Montana’s most complete Ghost Towns. This is achieved through the process of re-curation. The goals of recurating are to create a digital spreadsheet, identify objects of interest for testing or museum exhibition, extensive photography, and identify portions of the collection to be returned to the Ghost Town for interment. Additionally, re-curating the artifacts with newer theoretical frameworks and a better understanding of the hidden heritages within this industrial heritage landscape. The final objective is to prepare the information compiled so it can be made accessible in an effort to create equality in historic interpretation while creating a process that works in junction with the Bureau of Land Management, The University of Montana, and the public to conserve and preserve as much as possible while making room for the continuation of archaeological research.



© Copyright 2023 Jocelyn A. Palombo