Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

Department or School/College

Division of Biological Sciences

Committee Chair

Travis Wheeler

Commitee Members

Brandon Cooper, Mark Grimes, Jason McDermott, Patrick Secor


prophage, annotation, workflow, bioinformatics, visualization


University of Montana

Subject Categories



Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. Many bacteriophages integrate their genomes into the bacterial chromosome and become prophages. Prophages may substantially burden or benefit host bacteria fitness, acting in some cases as parasites and in others as mutualists, and have been demonstrated to increase host virulence. The increasing ease of bacterial genome se- quencing provides an opportunity to deeply explore prophage prevalence and insertion sites. Here we present VIBES, a workflow intended to automate prophage annotation in complete bacterial genome sequences. VIBES provides additional context to prophage annotations by annotating bac- terial genes and viral proteins in user-provided bacterial and viral genomes. The VIBES pipeline is implemented as a Nextflow-driven workflow, providing a simple, unified interface for execution on local, cluster, and cloud computing environments. For each step of the pipeline, a container including all necessary software dependencies is provided. VIBES produces results in simple tab separated format and generates intuitive and interactive visualizations for data exploration. De- spite VIBES’ primary emphasis on prophage annotation, its generic alignment-based design allows it to be deployed as a general-purpose sequence similarity search manager. We demonstrate the utility of the VIBES prophage annotation workflow by searching for 178 Pf phage genomes across 1,072 Pseudomonas spp. genomes.



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