Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name


Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Andrew C. Wilcox

Commitee Members

Anna Klene, Natalie Bursztyn, Lyman Persico


Geomorphology, Flood, Yellowstone

Subject Categories



Understanding and predicting flood-induced geomorphic change, and the relative influences of fluvial forces and valley-bottom geometry on system response, are persistent quandaries in geomorphic process studies. We combine field surveys, remote sensing, and hydraulic modeling to assess the hydrogeomorphic effects of historic flooding in northern Yellowstone National Park (YNP) in a variety of channel configurations. We compare impulse, a metric that incorporates a flow duration threshold based on threshold channel theory, grain size, channel-bed slope, and flood depth and stream power estimates with hydrogeomorphic response. Measurements of pre- and post-flood active-channel width change in aerial photos captured geomorphic response associated with deposition-related channel migration while a transect-based metric of bed elevation change from pre- and post-flood DEMs of difference captured erosion-related channel evolution. Hydrogeomorphic response to flooding correlates with fluvial forces in areas that experienced erosion while channel areas of extensive deposition are more closely tied to a decrease in valley-bottom confinement. Bank erosion was greatest in areas immediately downstream of tributaries capable of delivering coarse sediment to the channel that was mobilized during the flood exposing previously protected cutbanks to flood hydraulics. Results indicate that the impulse framework may be a useful tool for investigations of geomorphic change resulting from floods.

Included in

Geomorphology Commons



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