Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Randy Bolton


leadership, poverty, student council


Holte, Steven, M.A., Summer 2007 Fine Arts Developing Leadership in Middle School Dr. Randy Bolton, Chair Dr. James Kriley, Committee Member Dorothy Morrison, Committee Member Being a music teacher for 25 years, I have learned many tricks of the trade when developing young students into musicians. These musicians often develop into classroom and grade level leaders; a few have stayed in the Poplar community and become leaders in the community. I have a reputation for developing confident musicians and many of my students continue participating in music when they leave high school. My project was a new challenge for me; to develop leaders through a different venue. I had been asked to be the advisor of the middle school student council a few years ago and saw that the students who were active in the student government were more centered on themselves than others. I accepted the position of advisor and began teaching leadership and service to others. Through my experience of guiding these young leaders, it became apparent that with guidelines and orderly structure, these influential students had many constructive ideas which would enrich the lives of all students at Poplar Middle School. The students began to think of the others in the school and came up with many ideas and projects to make sure all who entered the school felt a sense of belonging and ownership in their own education. Teachers, students, and administrations began to notice a change in the climate of our school with each activity presented and felt the unity the student council developed over the school year. This was a very successful year for the student council and I have been asked to follow the incoming freshman to the high school and become the advisor for the high school student council in hopes to continue the growth of these leaders.

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© Copyright 2007 Steven Lee Holte