Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name

Creative Writing (Poetry)

Committee Chair

Brian Blanchfield

Committee Co-chair

Sean Hill

Commitee Members

James Bailey


poetry, museum, display, exhibit, curation, mortality, masculinity, ethics, exhibition, animals, creatures, habits, Chicago, Yellowstone, nature


University of Montana


Field/Museum: Poems + Studies is a collection interested in curation—collecting, containing, protecting, preserving, and displaying. Each set of poems becomes its own exhibition, employing experimental form and detail studies to preserve the work. Mortality, masculinity, ethics of the museum space, the concept of wildness, science, and family dynamics are scrutinized and studied throughout.

Readers learn that the author’s uncle worked at the Field Museum of Chicago throughout her childhood; so began her intimate relationship with the museum space—a deep fascination with the task of exhibiting. Later in the collection, readers are guided into the field—into a series of place poems that actively magnify the natural world and the speaker’s place within it. Entering and exiting both worlds, field and museum, of the collection, opens a liminal space to reflect upon what is on-display, what is under examination.



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