Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Morgen Alwell

Commitee Members

Georgia Cobbs, JingJing Sun


Education, UDL, 3rd-grade, Instruction, AI, Inclusive Education


This paper examines how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and artificial intelligence (AI) can be combined to support diverse learners in third-grade classrooms. The paper begins with a literature review, including sections on inclusive education, multicultural education, teacher burnout, and the current use of AI in educational settings. Building off of this foundation, readers are presented with six UDL-framed lesson plans designed for a hypothetical third-grade class of 25 students. Using children’s literature such as Charlotte’s Web, Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path, and Just Ask: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, these lessons incorporate AI-generated accommodations from platforms like MagicSchool, Khanmigo, Canva Magic Media, and ChatGPT. These AI tools personalize instruction, providing students with materials such as leveled texts, appropriate comprehension checks, multimodal resources, and scaffolded writing materials, enhancing language accessibility and engagement for all learners. While application of the UDL framework aims to proactively design materials that reduce the need for accommodations, AI equips teachers with the tools to further tailor materials to meet individual students’ needs. The discussion highlights AI’s potential to support individualized learning but also acknowledges challenges such as the risk of over-reliance on AI, the need for teacher proficiency using generative platforms, and specific limitations with schoolwide implementation. Despite these obstacles, AI proves to be a valuable tool when thoughtfully integrated into UDL-friendly lessons. By merging UDL with AI, educators have an extensive teaching toolbox at their disposal to create inclusive, individualized learning environments that meet the diverse needs of students in general education settings.



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