Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College


Committee Chair

Georgia Cobbs


Motivating Math Students through Socratic Pedagogy

Subject Categories

Educational Methods | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Science and Mathematics Education


This study investigated the impact of implementing the Socratic method in teaching logarithms on the motivation levels of high school Algebra 2 students. Drawing on foundational research by Hirsch and Pfeil (2012), the research involves two classes totaling 28 students, with surveys administered before and after the Socratic lessons to gauge motivation, engagement, and participation levels. The meticulously designed four-day lesson plans employ cooperative dialogue and critical inquiry to foster student understanding of logarithmic concepts. With the teacher serving as a facilitator and students actively participating in the learning process, the study aimed to replicate and build upon previous findings, exploring whether the Socratic approach enhances motivation and intellectual engagement in mathematics education. The findings reveal a significant increase in students' motivation, engagement, and intrinsic motivation after experiencing Socratic pedagogy, providing evidence for the effectiveness of this approach in promoting enhanced learning outcomes in mathematics.



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