Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Exercise Science Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Steven Gaskill

Commitee Members

Charlie Wellenstein, Charles Palmer


acute, aerobic, attention, concentration, coordinative


University of Montana


There is a historic and recently growing body of research that shows physical activity and fitness both have a positive effect on cognitive function, improved memory, and learning. The purpose of this study was to determine whether acute moderate to vigorous coordinative aerobic activity carried out prior to taking the d2 Test of Attention positively affected attention and concentration measures in a sample of college students at the University of Montana. The results of this investigation found no acute physical activity effect on the test scores. The results did demonstrate that there was a significant learning effect to the d2 Test of Attention when repeated after a short time span and that even after a week, participants maintained the improved ability to complete the d2 test. Thus all d2 test improvements were the result of the order they completed the d2 Test of Attention and could not be attributed to the intervention. Before future experimental studies are carried out in a similar manner, there is a need to determine an appropriate wash-out period for the d2 Test of Attention.



© Copyright 2011 Meryl Heather Epstein