Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Degree Name

Creative Writing (Poetry)

Department or School/College

Department of English

Committee Chair

Joanna Klink

Commitee Members

Greg Pape, MaryAnn Bonjorni, Nancy Cook


poetry, psychogeography


We are no fictions, and we are getting heavier. We no longer tell our mirrors 'This can’t be happening.' Because we will not lower ourselves, you can keep your Najaf, its obstinate earth baking its people hard as rock from meridian to meridian. This earth blowing itself apart as fast as we can arrange it. As if death and nature behold with surprise we trembling sinners. As if we are just descended, and our entire bodies— somehow negotiable across this blackness—are and are not so. Every day blued steel blackens palms, ashen knuckles wrung numb—the crossing and relaxing of so many pairs of fingers begging release, as we carry in one last finger-fold our will.

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© Copyright 2012 Clinton Wesley Garner, Jr.