Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Anthropology

Committee Chair

Kimber McKay

Commitee Members

Blakely Brown, Gilbert Quintero


Resistance resources, Well-being, Psychosocial stress, Lifestyle change, Displacement, Migration, Maoist conflict, Nepal, Humla


Humla, one of the most remote regions in the Himalayan nation of Nepal, has undergone tremendous upheaval due to the Maoist insurgency of 1996-2006. As a result, numerous groups from rural Nepal such as those from Humla, have been displaced or chosen to migrate to urban areas, seeking to improve their lives or simply to survive. Pressure from Maoists has caused the displacement of many individuals who make up the community of Humlis now living in Kathmandu. This study aims to understand these causes of displacement and migration, as well as its consequences for Humlis. As a consequence of displacement and migration, significant changes occur in the lifestyle of Humlis. This change itself can be a source of stress. Other sources of stress in their new environment may be physical or behavioral, structural, or psychosocial. From understanding what sources of stress exist in the environment of displaced Humlis, interventions may be introduced which address and mitigate these sources of stress, and thereby decrease the risk of stress-related negative health outcomes in this community.



© Copyright 2014 Ruth Ann Guthrie