Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College

School of Art

Committee Chair

Trey Hill

Commitee Members

Beth Lo, Brandon Reintjes, Rafael Chacon


instillation, water, michigan, montana, clark fork, lake michigan, grand rapids, kentwood, memory, place, ceramics, relation, Dean Foster, video, beeswax, clay, video, performance, tools, maps, where i come from, where i am, printmaking, journey


This story begins in the Midwest, among the everyman. A story lived by many. Where you go to “work” so that you can go “up north” and to “the lake.” This story is set in the cities of West Michigan, and on the banks of the world’s longest freshwater cost line. A place that is remembered through the souvenirs collected along the way. Where the color of the water, and the smell of the air, can release a flood of memories for those indoctrinated by this story. A place where I spent 26 years, living the story, working, going up north, and going to the lake. I tell this story through my objects, but it is not my story alone. It is the story of Michigan; the story of everyman. Traveling 1,700 miles to Missoula, Montana, has highlighted the story of everyman, and allowed me to examine my part of that story.



© Copyright 2013 Dean Ramsey Foster