"Fencing Gardner: Multiple Intelligences and the Aging Warrior" by Jean Ann Perusich

Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Fine Arts (Integrated Arts and Education)

Department or School/College

Creative Pulse Program

Committee Chair

Ann Wright


aging athelete, Gardner, multiple intelligences


As a female music educator, fighting for respect in a male dominated arena requires on-going vigilance and energy. Add age and a dose of waning self-confidence, and you might have a recipe for defeat. Seeking solace as I lick my wounds, questions arise. Why am I drowning in theory when interpretation is a breeze? How is it possible for me to sing the praises of Mozart through my finger tip when the song of “self” eludes me? Where is the empyrean muse I so desperately seek for guidance? Howard Gardner may throw some light on my queries with his “Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. Though he speaks mostly of the child-learner, I find his approach on learning styles to be quite intriguing. This leads me to ponder the grounding of my own learning style, using the art of Classical fencing as the vehicle of scrutiny on this quest. Journeying as a non-traditional learner, I feel I must also examine the trials and tribulations of the aging student/athlete. Points of discussion along this journey include an overview of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, application of said intelligences toward the learning of fencing, its history, terms, and swordplay, and consideration for the aging student/athlete. Having examined the risk, rigor, and irrevocability of this field study, I believe the risks to be personal in nature for possible injury to body, mind, and pride, and while every athlete risks injury, forty-nine years of living may have a negative bearing. The stress of learning to use the body and mind as a weapon as well as learning a new language could prove to be ruinous to psyche and spirit. The rigor may include the physical involvement, reading, fencing and practice time, and irrevocability of this venue might be seen as the money spent on lessons, books, swords, protective gear, ice packs, Ace bandages and doctors! “En Garde!”

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© Copyright 2009 Jean Ann Perusich