Year of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Geosciences

Committee Chair

Julia A. Baldwin

Commitee Members

Rebecca Bendick, Nancy Hinman, Anna Klene, Reed Lewis, James Sears


Exhumation, Monazite, Numerical Modeling, Priest River, Pseudosection, Zircon


The pelitic, migmatitic Hauser Lake gneiss and the CretaceousûEocene granitoids that intrude it are exhumed in the footwall of the Priest River complex of northern Idaho. Phase equilibria modeling, laser-ablation split-stream (LASS)-ICP-MS monazite and xenotime petrochronology, and garnet trace element-geochemistry are integrated to constrain the pressureûtemperatureûtime (PûTût) history of metamorphism, crustal anatexis, and exhumation of the Hauser Lake gneiss. Zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronology, zircon Hf isotopes, and zircon trace element geochemistry of CretaceousûEocene granitoids are used to place constraints on the temporal and source relationships between crustal anatexis, magmatism, and exhumation of the Priest River complex.

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