Year of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Name

Interdisciplinary Studies

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus


Department or School/College

Interdisciplinary Studies Program

Committee Chair

Sarah J. Halvorson

Commitee Members

Christiane von Reichert, Paul Wilson, Neva Hassanein, Alan Watson, Gundars Rudzitis, David Jackson


place, place attachment, place idenity, risk, vulnerability, wildfire, wildland urban interface


The findings of this research suggest that the responses and vulnerability of individuals living in these areas to wildfire maybe partially determined by their cognitive and emotional attachments to the landscape. Many of the study participants appeared to have a sufficient understanding of wildfire hazards, possible mitigation actions, and adequate resources to implement these actions, and chose not to do so to protect specific place-based attributes. These findings suggest that current national wildfire mitigation concepts and terminology may be incompatible with the place values and emotional attachments of area residents. With the continued urbanization of forested areas, the need to understand how homeowners’ vulnerability to wildfire risk and hazards can be reduced becomes increasingly relevant to national, state, and local wildfire policy and risk mitigation programs.

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© Copyright 2006 Tamara Wall