Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies Program

Committee Chair

Len Broberg

Commitee Members

Dane Scott, Larry Swanson


chevron, environmental advertising, environmental communication, environmental marketing, global warming, sierra club


The organizations that make up the environmental movement have a great opportunity and challenge before them. These organizations could lead our nation in a time of great change. They could challenge the public to align personal consumer habits with positive environmental beliefs. However, the environmental movement has failed to market and communicate effectively. Due to this failure, companies such as Chevron and Wal-Mart have taken the moral high ground away from environmental organizations. The movement as a whole, with a few exceptions, has not successfully promoted key themes that could motivate change. There are rare examples of successful marketing and communication tactics from environmental groups. Effective fundraising techniques and an over dependence on public relations is often used in place of reliable advertising tactics. The majority of environmental organizations on the national, regional and state level have squandered opportunities to galvanize a broader audience base in the United States. Most environmental organizations have not kept up with the change in the overall population’s attitude towards environmental dangers threatening the earth. The populace has the potential to become more aware and would be willing to act, if the NGO’s, foundations and governmental bodies directed what type of action to take. With the ominous threat of global warming, people have not been moved to demand change from the government, private industry or particularly themselves. Environmental organizations must adopt a new marketing strategy in order to successfully lead the American public in this time of great change.



© Copyright 2007 Ross Rademacher