Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Computer Science

Department or School/College

Department of Computer Science

Committee Chair

Joel Henry

Commitee Members

Cameron Lawrence, Donald Morton


Exam Preparation, Memory Retrieval, Software Engineering, Web Application


Students in academic environments today use ever evolving technology to complete their academic tasks. This paper describes the software engineering techniques and practices that were used to develop a web application capable of assisting students with the common academic task of exam preparation. Despite the common utilization of technology tools to gather and assemble information for academic courses, technology applications that support students in preparing to use their assimilated information, namely on an exam, are currently lacking. The web application described in this report strives to provide a technical solution that supports student efforts towards preparing for an exam. The results have leveraged sound software engineering practices with new and innovating development toolsets to yield a stable software application.

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