Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies Program

Committee Chair

Phil Condon

Commitee Members

Dan Flores, Dan Spencer


Gallatin Canyon, Montana


Patten, Robin, M.S. December 2006 Environmental Studies In the Light Beyond Dreaming Chairperson: Phil Condon The Gallatin Canyon of south-central Montana is a landscape of varied terrain and mixed ownership, with a community of people that represent diverse attitudes towards the land. In its diversity, the region provokes questions as to how this area developed into what it is today: a complex setting of rugged geography, rich biota, and contrasting humanity. I set out to try to understand this region by taking three approaches, combining ecology, cultural history, and personal experience to examine the development of land and community through time. I discovered an intricate story that connected the Gallatin Canyon to much larger events in time and space. I also came to understand that my own life – and probably all our lives – are part of a much bigger picture, shaped by forces that may lie far beyond our own awareness.

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© Copyright 2006 Robin Sisson Patten