Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Clinical Psychology

Department or School/College

Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Jennifer Waltz

Commitee Members

Bryan Cochran, Gyda Swaney, Bradley Clough


mindfulness, qualitative


Mindfulness-based practices from eastern traditions are increasingly being utilized by western mental health providers. In some cases, these practices are taught directly to clients. In other instances, therapists engage in the practices, which may or may not influence their work as clinicians. Often therapists both teach clients the practice and have personal practices as well. The following is a qualitative study exploring the influence of mindfulness practices on therapists and their therapeutic relationships and work. Seven participants who are long-term mindfulness practitioners and who are also psychotherapists were interviewed. The results illuminate a wide range of effects of therapist mindfulness practice on dynamics within the psychotherapy relationship, from the therapist’s perspective. The findings also raise a number of emerging topics of interest resulting from the integration of mindfulness into western therapy traditions. The study adds an important perspective to the growing literature on mindfulness interventions.

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© Copyright 2012 Meghan T. Gill