Year of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Sociology (Criminology Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Sociology

Committee Chair

Dusten Hollist

Commitee Members

Greg Machek, Rob Balch


Add Health, juvenile delinquency, ordinary least squares regression, positive peer culture (PPC), principal components analysis (confirmatory fact


Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Waves I and II) this study examines the utility of three problem labels (low self-image, inconsiderate of others, and inconsiderate of self) put forth in Harry Vorrath and Larry Brendtro’s (1985) book, Positive Peer Culture (PPC). PPC is a holistic approach that has been used effectively as a treatment tool for varying degrees of delinquent behavior in a non-stigmatizing and non-labeling manner that helps build self-worth and reduce delinquent values and attitudes. The confirmatory factor analysis findings show that the PPC problem labels can be transformed into scaled variables those outlined in the literature. Findings based on ordinary least squares regression models suggest that the PPC problem labels are not significant predictors of general delinquency (i.e., status offense, property and person crimes, drug and alcohol) when accounting for other variables based on contemporary criminological theories (i.e., social learning, social control/bonding, social disorganization, and general strain).

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© Copyright 2011 Kristina N. Skogen