Year of Award
Document Type
Professional Paper
Degree Type
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Name
Resource Conservation (International Conservation and Development)
Department or School/College
College of Forestry and Conservation
Committee Chair
John Goodburn
agroforestry, The Gambia
Toth, Justina M. M.S. December 2007 Resource Conservation ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR KAFUTA: A VILLAGE IN THE WESTERN DIVISION OF THE GAMBIA Committee Chair: John Goodburn Extensive interviews with a sample of 21 government and non-governmental workers in the natural resource field, as well as random surveys of 18 households (i.e. 18 women and 16 men) in the Western Division village of Kafuta are employed to help inform the following central research question: What agroforestry systems are the most appropriate for the village of Kafuta, given the regions unique physical, biological and socioeconomic conditions? With these two qualitative research techniques and through extensive participant observation, eight agroforestry systems are evaluated for their prevalence and general appropriateness for Kafuta. The overall themes from the analysis of each system in the Western Division are then used to assess various aspects of agroforestry implementation in the village of Kafuta. In particular, potential constraints to implementation are examined to evaluate the suitability of various agroforestry practices for the village. The results suggest that the majority of agroforestry systems are not particularly well-suited for Kafuta. There appears to be a disconnect between extension and development efforts and the interests in or acceptance of certain practices by households in Kafuta. The two key factors limiting acceptance include 1) the effect of tree planting on confounding land tenure issues and 2) the perception among villagers that fuelwood, fodder, and other potential benefits of these systems are not in short supply. Recommendations for further incorporation of certain practices that could be most suitable for and acceptable to villagers include the enhancement of homegardens and livefencing, as well as intercropping with cashews for increased income generation. The potential planting of improved fallows for future soil fertility improvement is also briefly considered.
Recommended Citation
Toth, Justina Marie, "Assessment of potential agroforestry systems for Kafuta: A village in the Western Division of The Gambia" (2007). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 76.
© Copyright 2007 Justina Marie Toth