Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Health and Human Performance (Exercise Science Option)

Department or School/College

Department of Health and Human Performance

Committee Chair

Charles Dumke

Commitee Members

Brent Ruby, Sara Scholtes, Stephen Lodmell


Connectin, Running Economy, Titin


Running Economy (RE) is a crucial determinant for running performance. While strategies for improving RE have been determined, the mechanisms governing this phenomenon have eluded the scientific community. My objective was to determine what adaptations, physiological, morphological, or otherwise, occur to bring about the altered RE associated with plyometric training. Specifically this project was designed to examine whether measureable transformations in muscle protein isoform makeup brought on through specific training will result in better RE in moderately trained runners. Participants (n=25) were placed into either a plyometrics-training or control group. All participants underwent similar testing before and after the 6-week training intervention: hydrostatic-weighing, vertical-jump, sit-and-reach, muscle stiffness, Vo2MAX, RE, lactate-threshold, biomechanics, plus titin-protein isoform identification via gel electrophoresis from vastus lateralis biopsies. Post-testing revealed faster running performance for the plyometrics group without concomitant improvements in fitness data. While RE was not altered, anaerobic energy production was curtailed in the plyometrics group, and this correlated significantly to performance gains and titin isoform shifts, with greater proportions of T1:T2 linking to a blunted lactate response and better 3km time trial results.



© Copyright 2011 Joseph Kenneth Pellegrino