Year of Award


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name


Department or School/College

Department of Geography

Committee Chair

Sarah Jean Halvorson

Commitee Members

Jeffrey Gritzner, Tomas Sullivan, Laurie Yung


Feminism, Food Culture, Kitchenspce, Morocco, Women


The research presented in this thesis grapples with questions concerning the gendered and spatial aspects of food culture and “kitchenspace” in Fez, Morocco. The everyday geographies of urban women in Fez, Morocco are closely connected to local food systems and food spaces. Food spaces like the kitchen are where women’s complex relationships to food and gender identity are revealed. Kitchens are spaces where women negotiate gender identity and where specialized knowledge (concerning food and gender) is applied, shared, and transferred from one generation to the next. Critical knowledge concerning gender and identity is communicated through food and food systems. This thesis explores key questions concerning the relationships the women of Fez have with food and kitchenspaces as well as the methodological approach needed to capture and convey women’s interactions within this space. How are food relationships and kitchenspaces in Morocco gendered, and what are the implications for broader gender relationships? How are these relationships affected by outside influences of globalization and social change? How does a researcher gain access to kitchenspaces in Morocco and what is the academic/outsider’s role and relationship with this space? And finally, what methods are best utilized for capturing the innerworkings of kitchenspace?



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