A.J. Gibson's Women's Hall at the University of Montana, A Brief History

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



This year marmarks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Math Building at the University of Montana. Originally the Women's Hall, the third building on the campus was designed by noted architect A.J. Gibson to provide housing for the University's growing female population. The building was a significant departure from the earliest plans for the University in both its style and location, yet it added a new level of elegance to the emerging campus. More importantly, it revealed the University's singular dedication to the education of women at the turn of the last century. In a brief presentation, Professor Rafael Chacon from the University's Art Department will discuss the history of this venerable building and introduce the audience to his upcoming book on the life and work of A.J. Gibson, Missoula's most important architect.

Additional Details

Friday, 24 October 2003
4:10 p.m. in Math 109
Coffee/treats at 3:30 p.m. in Math 104

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