"Phase-locking in electrically coupled networks of cortical neurons" by Tim Lewis

Phase-locking in electrically coupled networks of cortical neurons

Document Type

Presentation Abstract

Presentation Date



Electrical coupling between inhibitory interneurons appears to be ubiquitous in the brain. Because inhibitory interneurons are thought to play a fundamental role in generating cortical oscillations, phase-locking dynamics of electrically coupled interneurons has received considerable interest. In this talk, I will discuss collaborative work with the experimental lab Dr. Barry Connors at Brown University (Mancilla et al. 2007) in which we examine phase- locking in both real and model pairs of electrically cortical interneurons. By using the theory of weakly coupled oscillators and phase-response curves (PRC), we identify some of the intrinsic properties of neurons that determine the stability of phase-locked states and describe the underlying dynamical mechanisms.

Additional Details

Wednesday, 11 April 2007
4:10 p.m. in Skaggs 117

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