This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2009
PT 573.01: Orthopedics, Kimberly J. Mize-Humphrey
PT 575.01: Physical Therapy Interventions III - Unit 3 (Prosthetics), Carrie Gajdosik
PT 575.01: Physical Therapy Interventions III - Units 1 and 2, James J. Laskin
PT 576.01: Synthesis of Clinical Evaluation and Intervention, Steven Fehrer
PT 578.01: Interventions IV - Musculoskeletal Dysfunction Related to Pregnancy/Female and Male and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Carrie Gajdosik
PT 578.01: Interventions IV - Orthotics Unit, Carrie Gajdosik
PT 587.50: Clinical Internship I, Kimberly J. Mize
PT 589.50: Clinical Internship III, David L. Levison
PT 626.01: Primary Care, Steven Fehrer
PT 627.01: Prevention, Wellness and Education, Reed H. Humphrey and David L. Levison
PT 676.01: Clinical Mastery in Physical Therapy, Reed H. Humphrey, Steve Fehrer, Elizabeth Ikeda, and David L. Levison
PT 679.01: Trends in Clinical Practice - Vestibular Rehabilitation, Steven Fehrer
PT 679.02: Contemporary Systems Trends – Neurology Journal Club, Steven Fehrer and Susan A. Ostertag
PUBH 510.01: Introduction to Epidemiology, Curtis W. Noonan
PUBH 515.01: Public Health Genetics, Elizabeth Putnam
PUBH 530.01: Administration and Management in the U.S. Healthcare System, Lawrence L. White
PUBH 535.01: Health Policy, Craig A. Molgaard
PUBH 540.50: Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health, Kari Harris
PUBH 550.50: Program Evaluation and Research Methods, Jean T. Carter
PUBH 560.50: Environmental and Rural Health, Tony J. Ward
PUBH 570.50: Ethics and Public Health, Ann F. Cook
PUBH 580.01: Rural Health Issues in Global Context, Peter Koehn
PUBH 595.01: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Larry Frisch
PUBH 595.52: The Practice of International Health, Lisa Pascopella and Craig A. Molgaard
RAD 111.01: Introduction to Radiology and Patient Care, Patty Gauthier
RAD 241.01: Radiology Protection, Patty Gauthier
RAD 251.01: Clinical Procedures, Patty Gauthier
RECM 495.90: Winter Wilderness Field Studies, Kari I. Gunderson
RES 120T.01: Perspectives in Health Care Communications, Nicholas Arthur
RES 129T.01: Patient Care and Assessment, Nicholas Arthur
RES 131T.01: Respiratory Care Fundamentals, Nicholas Arthur
RES 133T.01: Respiratory Care Pharmacology, Nicholas Arthur
RES 150T.01: Respiratory Care Laboratory, Nicholas Arthur
RES 241T.01: Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, Alysia Braddock
RES 242T.01: Respiratory Care Management Seminar, Nicholas Arthur
RES 252T.01: Respiratory Care Review, Nicholas Arthur
RES 270T.01: Respiratory Care Laboratory IV, Alysia Braddock
RES 275T.01: Clinical Experience III, Alysia Braddock
RLST 225.01: Introduction to Christianity, Paul A. Dietrich
RSCN 271N.01: Issues in Wilderness Ecology, Donald J. Bedunah
RSCN 273.01: Wilderness and Civilization - Field Studies, Nicky Phear and Paul Alaback
RSCN 273.01: Wilderness and Civilization I - Field Studies, Nicky Phear
RSCN 370S.01: Wildland Conservation Policy and Governance, Laurie Yung
RSCN 373.01: Wilderness and Civilization, Nicky Phear
RSCN 422.01: Natural Resource Policy and Administration, Martin Nie
SOCI 423.01: Addiction Studies, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SUR 200T.01: Operating Room Techniques, Debbie Fillmore
SUR 200T.50: Operating Room Techniques - Outreach, Debbie Fillmore
SUR 201T.01: Surgical Procedures I - Butte, Billings, Linda Strelnik
SUR 201T.02: Surgical Procedures I - Missoula, Linda Strelnik
SUR 215T.01: Surgical Laboratory, Linda Strelnik
SUR 250T.01: Surgical Laboratory Practicum, Debbie Fillmore
SW 100.01: Introduction to Social Welfare, Catherine R. O'Day
SW 100S.01: Introduction to Social Welfare, Tondy Baumgartner
SW 200.01: Introduction to Social Work Practice, Tondy Baumgartner
SW 200.01: Introduction to Social Work Practice, Timothy B. Conley
SW 200.02: Introduction to Social Work Practice, Mary-Ann S. Bowman
SW 300.01: Human Behavior and Social Environment, Danielle F. Wozniak
SW 300.01: Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 310.01: Social Welfare Policies and Services, Kerrie A. Ghenie
SW 310.02: Social Welfare Policies and Services, Kerrie A. Ghenie
SW 323.01: Women and Social Action in the Americas, Janet Finn
SW 350.01: Social Work Intervention I - Generalist Practice with Focus on Individuals and Families, Charles A. Wellenstein
SW 350.01: Social Work Intervention Methods I - Generalist Practice with Focus on Individuals and Families, Charles A. Wellenstein
SW 360.01: Social Work Intervention Methods II, Tondy Baumgartner
SW 360.01: Social Work Intervention Methods II, Danielle F. Wozniak
SW 360.01: Social Work Intervention Methods II - Groups and Communities, Tamara S. Tolleson Knee
SW 400.01: Social Work Research, Mary-Ann S. Bowman
SW 400.01: Social Work Research, Catherine R. O'Day
SW 410E.01: Ethics and the Helping Professions, Charles A. Wellenstein
SW 420.01: Child Abuse and Child Welfare, Jennifer J. Walrod
SW 423.01: Addiction Studies, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 423.01: Addiction Studies, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 423.50: Addiction Studies, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 450.01: Children and Youth at Risk, Charles A. Wellenstein
SW 455.01: Social Gerontology, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 470.01: Mental Health and Rural Communities, Jeff Folsom
SW 488.01: Field Work Practicum Seminar, Timothy B. Conley
SW 488.01: Practicum Seminar, Catherine R. O'Day
SW 488.01: Practicum Seminar, Randy Wood
SW 488.02: Field Work Practicum Seminar, Cynthia L. Garthwait
SW 488.03: Field Work Practicum Seminar, Randy Wood
SW 488.03: Practicum Seminar, Randy Wood
SW 495.01: Loss, Grief and Bereavement, Mary-Ann S. Bowman
SW 495.01: Traumatic Stress and Social Work, James C. Caringi
SW 505.01: Foundation and Skills of Integrated Social Work Practice, Janet Finn
SW 510.01: Human Behavior and Social Environment I, Ryan Tolleson Knee
SW 511.01: HBSE II - Difference, Diversity, and Oppression, Danielle F. Wozniak
SW 515.01: Practice with Individuals and Families in a Community Context, Mary-Ann S. Bowman
SW 515.02: Practice with Individuals and Families in a Community Context, Catherine R. O'Day
SW 520.01: Social Work Research Methods, Timothy B. Conley
SW 521.01: Advanced Research and Program Evaluation, James C. Caringi
SW 525.01: Theory and Practice of Groups and Communities, Catherine R. O'Day
SW 525.02: Theory and Practice of Groups and Communities, Timothy B. Conley
SW 530.01: History of Social Policy, Justice, and Change, Mary-Ann S. Bowman
SW 531.01: Methods of Social Policy Analysis, Danielle F. Wozniak
SW 535.01: Advanced Integrative Practice, Timothy B. Conley
SW 535.02: Advanced Integrative Practice, James C. Caringi
SW 535.03: Advanced Integrative Practice, James C. Caringi
SW 545.01: Practice of Organizational Leadership, Ryan Tolleson-Knee